- Manuale dell’e-learning per i docenti della scuola http://bit.ly/Uw1CZ #
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- RT @GoogleAtWork What’s the most interesting feature in Google Docs and how do you use it? Tell us – http://bit.ly/dIDm1 #
- RT @dajbelshaw ‘Sony launches 2 new readers including a pocket-sized $199 device’ (http://bit.ly/4h9Ayh) – @stevebunce may B interested? #
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- Your Flowing Data: Using Twitter to Track Your Life http://www.techlearning.com/article/22410 #
- Kaltura – Open Source Video Community http://www.kaltura.org/ #
- Ten tips for boosting eCommunication http://bit.ly/PWV6g #
- The Journalist’s Guide to Facebook http://bit.ly/Y8dbe #
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