- Macmillan confirms Amazon dispute details, silent on Apple http://feeds.macnn.com/click.phdo?i=077084ebd245baa74886b8a67f3e3504 #
- AVATAR IN AMAZZONIA http://bit.ly/9LJGPb #
- Trovare i driver per i vostri hardware in modo veloce! http://bit.ly/9kZvnz #
- Manuale del Perfetto Insegnante – I Genitori (4) http://bit.ly/b4Xr6r #
- Social media toolkit http://j.mp/9tFCDV #
- A Better Way 2 Manage Knowledge http://j.mp/cSTm3V #
- Electric Icarus: NASA Designs a 1-Man Stealth Plane http://j.mp/asx580 #
- Tablet Manufacturers Reevaluating Pricing Options in Light of iPad Announcement? http://bit.ly/ayOvD1 #
- Create & Share collection of Google books [bookshelf] http://bit.ly/97iPEV #
- iMicroscope allows you to take photos through a microscope with iPhone’s camera http://TwitPWR.com/CHV/ #
- Infibeam Pi, l'eBook Reader che viene dall'India http://bit.ly/aO4DEt #
- Color Theory Quick Reference Poster http://www.paper-leaf.com/blog/2010/01/color-theory-quick-reference-poster/ #
- The iPad has Adobe's Flash on Apple's video http://bit.ly/c0Qi3n #
- Vivo 2, Con Chiavetta USB O Standard, Per Ipovedenti…E Il PC Parla! http://bit.ly/9AACpX #
- ScreenToaster, registra e pubblica le tue lezioni http://bit.ly/bqoIY9 #
- sos! SCUOLA PUBBLICA: PRIMA CHE IL CIGNO CANTI – di Mariaserena Peterlin http://bit.ly/ahL0ZB #
- Dove va a finire il contributo volontario dei genitori? http://bit.ly/cslQ7N #
- Disponibile elenco materie maturità su sito MIUR http://www.istruzione.it #
- Shared: Colosseo: This is why Cameron is a king and we are all just… http://bit.ly/3Xi3I2 #
- Clever arm for iRobot Create http://bit.ly/8ZamSC #
- When You Have Just One Computer for the Whole Classroom http://bit.ly/dxpOlD #
- E mica siamo scuole… http://bit.ly/8Z4mUm #
- MoWeS Portable http://bit.ly/d7yIxV #
- MAPPE CONCETTUALI – MAPPE… http://bit.ly/bFx7OH #
- Bambini News: l’informazione per bambini http://bit.ly/bSIL41 #
- watching the Apple conference http://bit.ly/boB8Kj #
- Manuale del Perfetto Insegnante – I Genitori (3) http://bit.ly/b8Keua #
- Hands-On Impressions of Apple's New iPad http://bit.ly/cxmsqD #
- Apple's own iPad video trailer is finally viral – come see it… http://bit.ly/9lDtfz #
- Apple Event 27 Gennaio: cosa aspettarsi http://feeds.blogo.it/~r/Melablog/it/~3/2CUeMgImXIU/apple-event-27-gennaio-cosa-aspettarsi #
- TUAW predicts tomorrow's event http://www.tuaw.com/2010/01/26/tuaw-predicts-tomorrows-event/ #
- McGraw-Hill 'confirms' Apple tablet using iPhone OS http://bit.ly/cPxhCV #
- LA TAVOLA PERIODICA DEGLI ELEMENTI 2.0 http://www.gravita-zero.org/2010/01/la-tavola-periodica-degli-elementi-20.html #
- Using Digital Comics for Language Learning http://bit.ly/5vMlIA #
- Promoting literacy comes to a screen near you http://bit.ly/7aAB5O #
- Overheard: Steve Jobs Says Apple Tablet “Will Be The Most Important Thing I’ve Ever Done.” http://bit.ly/7vDBJn #
- Professional Learning in the Learning Profession: A Status Report on Teacher Development in the USA and Abroad (PDF) http://bit.ly/XkhDU #
- Web Site Design Lesson Plans http://bit.ly/4qxabw #
- Cervello da campioni http://j.mp/7Sr39t #
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