Robotica: risorse didattiche gratuite

Se siete docenti della scuola superiore e desiderate inserire nel programma elementi di robotica oppure allievi in procinto di realizzare una tesina per la maturità sulla robotica o ancora allievi universitari di ingeneria elettronica e meccanica che vogliono approfondire, avrete necessità di risorse didattiche che vi aiutino a sviluppare la vostra documentazione.
Poiché anche io sto realizzando la mia documentazione per implementare una didattica che oltre a spiegare i concetti di robotica si integri con le altre materie: matematica, fisica, inglese, ecc… sto raccogliendo materiale on-line che mi aiuti nel mio lavoro.
Di recente ho scoperto due volumi gratuiti che potrebbero esservi di aiuto:

Edited by: Toshiyuki Yasuda

ISBN 978-953-307-425-2, Hard cover, 586 pages
Publisher: InTech
Publication date: January 2011
Subject: Biomimetic Robotics

This book is a collection of 29 excellent works and comprised of three sections: task oriented approach, bio inspired approach, and modeling/design. In the first section, applications on formation, localization/mapping, and planning are introduced. The second section is on behavior-based approach by means of artificial intelligence techniques. The last section includes research articles on development of architectures and control systems.

seguite il link per prelevare il libro.

Edited by: Asim Bhatti

ISBN 978-953-307-516-7, Hard cover, 352 pages
Publisher: InTech
Publication date: January 2011
Subject: Computer Vision

The book presents a wide range of innovative research ideas and current trends in stereo vision. The topics covered in this book encapsulate research trends from fundamental theoretical aspects of robust stereo correspondence estimation to the establishment of novel and robust algorithms as well as applications in a wide range of disciplines. Particularly interesting theoretical trends presented in this book involve the exploitation of the evolutionary approach, wavelets and multiwavelet theories, Markov random fields and fuzzy sets in addressing the correspondence estimation problem. Novel algorithms utilizing inspiration from biological systems (such as the silicon retina imager and fish eye) and nature (through the exploitation of the refractive index of liquids) make this book an interesting compilation of current research ideas.

seguite il link per prelevare il libro.

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