Eccerobot un robot molto simile agli esseri umani

Eccerobot un enorme robot ciclope che per alcuni aspetti fisici è molto simile all’essere umano, nel senso che è stato progettato imitando la struttura interna del nostro corpo: ossa, articolazioni, tendini e muscoli. Per maggiori informazioni:

Standard humanoid robots mimic the human form, but the mechanisms used in such robots are very different from those in humans, and the characteristics of the robots reflect this. This places severe limitations on the kinds of interactions such robots can engage in, on the knowledge they can acquire of their environment, and therefore on the nature of their cognitive engagement with the environment.

However, a new kind of robot is being developed by this project consortium – an anthropomimetic robot. Instead of just copying the outward form of a human, it copies the inner structures and mechanisms – bones, joints, muscles, and tendons – and thus has the potential for human-like action and interaction in the world.

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